Geert Wilders - Theo Van Gogh - Hirsa Ali


Who is Geert Wilders? Geert Wilders is a Dutch MP who has released a controversial film about islam, the religion of peace, which no TV company would broadcast and some politicians in the Netherlands tried to ban. This is because they are afraid that the members of the religion of peace will come and chop, no not chop, slice their heads off with an old butcher knife. A fear that is not unfounded. Because you see, the religion of peace leaves a trail of dead bodies in its wake. Wilder's stance has created problems for the Dutch government, which fears a re-run of the cartoon furor in the Muslim world. Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen has complained of the danger to Dutch companies, soldiers and residents abroad. Danger? From the religion of peace? Here is the film he made, it is called Fitna, which means basically anything that is un-islamic.
Geert Wilders is an elected member of the Dutch Parliment, he under guard for fear of his life, 24x7x365, he has to move from safe house to safe house, he has to sleep in safe houses, not his own home. Why, because the religion of peace wants to kill him. So just remember this when you hear Wilders being called an extremist, no one is hiding from Wilders, no one is in danger because of him, it is his life that is in jeopardy from those that accuse him of being an extremist.

Listen to this moron , Stephen Sackur, interviewing Wilders. He doesn't have a clue. He calls Wilders a racist, an islamophobe, a xenophobe, and accuses Wilders of just trying to stir up trouble. He says the religion of peace isn't falling for it. Yea, right, that's why Wilders needs bodyguards, wears a bullet proof vest, and has to move between safe houses. The Jordanian government is trying extradite Wilders to stand trial for insulting islam. How insane is that! But even insaner is the wimpy Dutch government has not said a word. How about we try to extradite and put on trial some muslim for making anti Black statements? What do you think the outcry would be then.

Should it be allowed to criticize religion? There are hundreds of examples of Christian bashing but no one is afraid for their lives because of it.
  • The Piss Christ - How offensive is this? The artist does not have to fear for his life.
  • Indicted for calling mohammed a child molester but an artist's depiction of Jesus sodomizing his apostles, well, heh, after all, it is art. And oh by the way guess who received death threats and is under police protection?
The Netherlands surrenders: A Dutch court has ordered prosecutors to put a right-wing politician on trial for making anti-Islamic statements. “The court considers this so insulting for Muslims that it is in the public interest to prosecute Wilders,” a summary of the decision said. “By attacking the symbols of the Muslim religion, he also insulted Muslim believers. In a democratic system, hate speech is considered to be so serious that it is in the general interest to draw a clear line.” But just to be clear it is ok for the islamists to riot in the streets and should death to Israel, Jews to the ovens, Hitler was right .... nothing hateful here to be prosecuted.


Theo Van Gogh was killed for making a film critical of islam. Stabbed to death on the street in broad day light for ostensibly insulting the religion of peace.

There will be no monument for Theo van Gogh where he was killed.

Council member Martin Verbeet (social-democrat) says such a monument could lead to provocations and unrest in the neighbourhood.

They would like to remember him every year but the emphasis then needs to be on freedom of speech and the provocative way in which Theo van Gogh used to express himself.

In other words: "They killed him, and if we memorialize him, they may kill us. Let's just forget the whole thing

Here is the film: "Submission"


Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali ex-muslim woman who made who made the film Submission with Theo Van Gogh. Yes and you guessed it, she is under a death sentence from the religion of peace, go figure. She was also a Dutch Member of Parliament and had to go into hiding when Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh was murdered. Ayaan had collaborated with van Gogh in making the film, and a note pinned to Van Gogh's dead body with a dagger said that she would be next. These members of the religion of peace are so touchy.