The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see. Ayn Rand


This is my small part to get the word out on islam's war on the West. My small stake in the ground. I WANT YOU TO DO THE SAME. Let your thought be known.

This website is where I list counter jihad talking points and document the truth of them. The MSM, lead by 5th column dhimmis such as Keith Oberman and Bill Mahr, have done such a good apologetic job for the muslim jihadis that the U.S. has virtually forgotten 9/11 and the twin towers coming down. So typically when the subject comes up and I discuss how we as Western Civilization have gone insane with political correctness vis-a-vis the wack jobs that want to kill us. I am often met with incredulous looks and disbelief. For the most part people just don't understand what we are really up against.

To get the message across:
  • Provide the facts. Use accepted news sources, like news papers, where possible.
  • Videos. Nothing brings it home and reinforces the intellectual knowledge than seeing these wack jobs in action. Gets you immotionally involved as you begin to realize what is at stake.
  • Personal interest stories put a human face on it. I have chosen Geert Wilders, Theo Van Gogh and Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

I urge you to put your own small stake in the ground, or in this case the internet. Even if it is only a one page website or blog, even if it only says "I am mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more". Don't curse the dark, light a candle. There are a lot of ways you can do this for free , just like I did here. Follow the navigation link on the left to "publish yourself" for some simple ways to do this for free.

The real serious blogs that follow islam's attack on the West are bulletted below. But for the newcomer to the counter-jihad there will be information overload.

This is what we are up against. We are up against a world view, a culture, an ideology that can do this. This woman is being buried up to her waist before being stoned. They must me stopped.

Get educated: History of Jihad